Saturday 5 March 2011

iCP Has Shut Down

iCP has shut down forever, so we would please like you to join xCPPS.
Here is the link to register:
And to play:
Then play it. I am called P I P on it (xxpipxx)

Sunday 17 October 2010

Crab clan youtube film auditions

We will be making a crab film to put on youtube. We will film it on icp so if you want to be in it then tell me by emailing me ( or send a comment bellow.

Friday 3 September 2010

Crab Clan's Official Youtube Channel

We have a youtube channel which is called iCPcrabClan.
If you have a youtube account, and you are part of the Crab Clan, goto the Crab Clan Channel and Subscribe & Friend Request. Then comment, who you are on iCP, and we will add you to the box of members. Here is the link to the Youtube Channel:
Please tell me if the link does not work, by telling me on the comments below, thanks!

Crab Dance Club (NEW!)

This is the Crab dance Club, a place to dance and have a party, this is not to get confused with the crab club. There is also a ''BRB'' Chair where you can sit on, if your on ''BRB''. This Crab Club was made my one of our members, HappyPro, and we are very grateful for what he has made for us.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Thank you!

Thank you, Orangutang, for making the new background for us!

New BRB chair

Now we have a new BRB chair for when your on BRB you sit in it, (Its the wooden one.)

We need YOU!

We need some one who can make a iCP Crab themed template for our website. Comment below or email: if you want to make a template for us, thanks!